AD MULTOS ANNOS Fr Martin and Fr Trevor

On the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Ordination to the Priesthood of Fr Martin Micallef, Director of Dar tal-Providenza, and the 40th Anniversary of the Ordination to the Priesthood of Fr Trevor Fairclough, Spiritual Director of the Home, a thanksgiving mass was celebrated at the Home in Siġġiewi to which residents and employees were all invited to attend. At the end of the celebration, Grace Vassallo, one of the residents, presented two cards drawn by the residents themselves.

Fr Trevor was ordained priest by Archbishop Joseph Mercieca on July 11th 1981 at St. John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta whilst Fr Martin was ordained priest by the same Archbishop on the 5th July 1996.

Dar tal-Providenza wishes to convey Ad Multos Annos to Fr Martin and Fr Trevor, who last Sunday, July 11th 2021 celebrated their 25th and 40th Anniversary of their Ordination to the priesthood respectively.