Make a Donation
/fi Donazzjonijiet /by sbarbaraFunding Id-Dar tal-Providenza, which is built on faith in Divine Providence, relies to a very large extent on the generosity of its benefactors and the public donations it receives to live up to its mission. Id-Dar Tal-Providenza gratefully receives donations from benefactors in Malta and from all over the World. Donations arrive by post or are delivered direct to our reception front desk, they also come in the form of inheritances and legacies and via newspaper and local radio obituaries where monies are requested to be sent to Id-Dar Tal-Providenza instead of flowers. Occasionally donations are received for special services and for prayers for the sick or bereaved, for newly married couples and birth of children.
Dar tal-Providenza Accounts are audited each year by a Public Audit Company and the resultant Financial Statements are forwarded to the Archbishop’s Curia where they are eventually published together with the aggregated Accounts of the Archidiocese.
You can make an online donation by entering the amount below.
Donations can be made
* in cash or by cheque at the Homes itself at Siggiewi or at its offices in 244, St Paul’s St, Valletta
* by cheques made in the name of Id-Dar tal-Providenza and sent by post to:
Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Lapsi Road, Siġġiewi SĠW 2822
* through a money order and sent by post to
Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Lapsi Road, Siġġiewi SĠW 2822
* through a deposit in any of these Bank Accounts:
APS Bank IBAN: MT14APSB77046000234320000517554
BOV IBAN: MT46VALL22013000000011702245152
HSBC IBAN: MT10MMEB44440000000044082873050
Lombard Bank IBAN: MT37LBMA05000000000001440300371
Banif Bank IBAN: MT81BNIF14502002128651817000000
* online at
* by sending an sms for €7 on 5061 8922
* by BOV Mobile Pay 7932 4834
Dar tal-Providenza endeavours to send a receipt to all donations received in cash, by cheque or money order or to other donors who requested it. In order to do so donors have to send us their personal details (name, surname and address) with their donation
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