Karus ta’ Mħabba (A Moneybox representing a chain of LOVE)

Id-Dar tal-Providenza has special coin boxes for children that are distributed in schools and parishes during Lent in which they can save some money in aid of the Home.

With each moneybox we give a leaflet explaining that the money collected will be used for the inclusion of persons with disability to have equal opportunities and live in an environment, where they can love and be loved, learn and share their experiences with others, grow together in faith, work and enjoy life like other human beings.

We also explain that this initiative is just a drop in the ocean of what we can do in favour of persons with disability.

Schools and parishes that want to participate in this ‘Chain of Love’ can call us on 21462844 or 21464915 or contact us by email on info@dartalprovidenza.org

Management Team

The Management Team is in charge of the daily running of the Homes. The present members of the team are as follows.

• Fr Martin Micallef, Director
• Ms Nadine Camilleri Cassano, Administrator
• Ms Remona Cuschieri, Service Co-ordinator
• Fr Trevor Fairclough, Spiritual Director
• Mr Gordon Scicluna, Physiotherapist

Church Related

A donation on Special Occassions

Many persons often organise an event to celebrate a special occassion (such as birthdays, wedding anniversary, etc) and instead of gifts they ask their guests to send a donation to Id-Dar tal-Providenza. Id-Dar tal-Providenza has Thank You Bookmarks which can be given to guests in appreciation of their donation.

If you want to make this noble choice on a special occassion, you can call us on 21462844 or 21464915 or contact us by email on info@dartalprovidenza.org.


At Id-Dar tal-Providenza the residents can enjoy from numerous activities which are organised at the home or in the community.

Physiotherapy Services

The sole aim of physiotherapy is to help the person regain the movement and functions of the normal body in case of sickness, an accident or disability. The physiotherapy services at the Home focus on the situation of the particular resident. Apart from the treatment of the problem, physiotherapy might suggest things that can be done on a daily basis to maximise the ability of the resident to move and control the pain in the joints, muscles and bones. It also helps to improve the amount of movement so that the resident is healthier and happy.

The physiotherapists assess and improve the movement and function of the body, with particular attention to physical mobility, balance, tiredness and pain. These professionals also assess the need for types of wheelchairs the residents might need.


Stamps Workshop

At this worhshop residents separate used stamp according to various categories which are later be sold to stamp collectors.

Pottery painting and other arts and crafts

Pottery painting and other arts and crafts are extremely theraputic, relaxing and rewarding pastimes for all. At Id-Dar tal-Providenza the residents participate in sessions wher they can develop and share their artistic talents.

Music, Dance and Drama Sessions

Regular music, dance & drama sessions offer the residents exciting, ways to express themselves.


At Id-Dar tal-Providenza the residents can enjoy from numerous activities which are organised at the home or in the community.

Aqua Therapy Centre at Id-Dar tal-Providenza

The new state of the Aqua Therapy Pool built by the Italian firm A-Circle Habilitation Concept based in Bologna Italy is another service offered at Id-Dar tal-Providenza since November 2016.

This service aims at improving the quality of life of our service users and other persons who might need this such therapy.

Some of the benefits of Aqua Therapy are the following:

• Water’s unique properties enhance interventions for clients of all ages, and with varied impairments.
• A warm water environment is comfortable and assists in muscle relaxation, increases range of movement and flexibility.
• Because of water’s buoyancy it allows you to move with less stress on your joints and muscles.

Our service is open also to non residents. Those interested are kindly asked to call on 21462844 during office hours or send an email on info@dartalprovdienza.org

Multi Sensory Room

The Multisensory room was inuagurated on Monday 24th June 2013, by H.E. Dr George Abela President of Malta and Mrs Abela and blessed by H.G. Mgr Paul Cremona O.P. Archbishop of Malta. This project was partly financed by the Malta Community Chest.

The rooms are specifically designed environments, which enable people with disabilitiesto enjoy a very wide range of sensory experiences for therapy, learning, relaxation and fun. The concept is to create events which focus on particular senses such as touch, vision, sound, smell and movement. The Multi Sensory Room is another confirmation of the Home’s ongoing commitment to provide quality service to irs residents.

St Isidore’s Agricultural Centre

The St. Isidor Agriculture Centre at Id-Dar tal-Providenza was officially inaugurated on Wednesday May 2009 . The Alfred Mizzi Foundation was the main sponsor of the project and has provided solid financial support for the project to come to its start up.

Residents at the Home grow a variety of herbs in the spacious greenhouse and then pack the produce both for their own kitchens as well as for sale to the general public.

The Agricultural Centre is named after St. Isidore, the patron saint of farmers
For more information kindly contact us on: info@dartalprovidenza.org or telephone: (00356) 21 464 915.