30-hour Music Marathon on 103 Malta’s Heart for Dar tal-Providenza

As of 6am this morning Arthur Caruana, Ian Busuttil Naudi, Ron Briffa kicked off a 30-hour marathon on 103 Malta’s Heart in aid of Dar tal-Providenza.

For the full 30 hours, Arthur, Ian and Ron will entertain the 103 Malta’s Heart listeners as they will also be accompanied virtually, due to the coronavirus pandemic, by many bands and personalities including the Maltese Bishops.

You can help through various ways

  • You can follow 103 Malta’s Heart LIVE on 103.mt/103-player
  • Donate on https://www.dartalprovidenza.org/make-a-donation/
  • Phone on 5160 2012 and donate €10 (VO 1066)
  • Phone on 5180 2014 and donate €25 (VO 1066)
  • Send an SMS on 5061 8922 to donate €7(VO 1066)

Last year Arthur presented a 30-hour marathon which netted in almost €13,000 for id-Dar tal-Providenza.