Eden Leisure Group in solidarity with Dar tal-Providenza
Every month, Eden Leisure Group employees have been donating a small portion of their salary to Dar tal-Providenza that, as everyone knows, for the last 55 years (the Home turns 55 this September 13th) has and will always rely on donations from benefactors and the general public to be able to operate.
In time for the International Day of Charity, Eden Leisure Group CEO, Simon De Cesare presented a cheque to Dr George Grech, the Home’s Medical Doctor and Ms Remona Cuschieri, the Home’s Services Coordinator.
Eden Leisure Group encourages its employees and other companies alike to join this initiative. Just a tiny bit of kindness from everyone goes a long way for those in need.
Employers can get more information, if necessary by sending an email to info@dartalprovidenza.org or calling on 2146 2844.
Employees who would like to join this scheme should contact their HR manager. If their workplace is not yet part of this scheme they should encourage their employer to do so.