Karus ta’ Mħabba (A Moneybox representing a chain of LOVE)
Id-Dar tal-Providenza has special coin boxes for children in which they can save some money in aid of id-Dar tal-Providenza.
With each moneybox we give a leaflet explaining that the money collected will be used for the inclusion of persons with disability to have equal opportunities and live in an environment, where they can love and be loved, learn and share their experiences with others, grow together in faith, work and enjoy life like other human beings.
We also explain that this initiative is just a drop in the ocean of what we can do in favour of persons with disability. Infact we give other example how we can reach this goal? The following are the suggestion we give to children and teachers:
Suggestions for children
• Be it in school, in our work place or anywhere else I will play, befriend and help children with disabilities.
• I will not tease or make fun of any one of these persons as I would not want this same thing to happen to me.
• I will do my best for these persons to be given equal opportunities in all walks of life, such as education, work, the church, sports and other entertainment activities.
• I will make sure older persons do not park their cars in places specially reserved for persons with disability or in front of special ramps.
Suggestions for teachers
Teachers could choose to teach their students the way to help these persons. They can either make use of special books and have special lessons regarding this subject or make use of books in which persons with disability are referred to. The educational package by the name “Holoq” can be made use of (www.knpd.org).
School that want to participate in this chain of Love can call us on 21462844 or 21464915 or contact us by email on info@dartalprovidenza.org